Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has paid tribute to members of the country’s largest silat seni gayong or Malay martial arts association who he said had contributed much to peace.
He described members of the National Silat Seni Gayong Association as the country’s defenders who were willing to make sacrifices, including giving up their lives, to protect the nation.
“I consider the silat gayong association as one of three important groups in our line of defence, who can protect the country’s sovereignty and security. The first two are members of the armed forces and the police.
“I am sure all of you will be ready to fight against those who wish to challenge our country’s peace, security and sovereignty,” he told some 3,000 members of the silat group during a national gathering of the association here yesterday.
He described members of the National Silat Seni Gayong Association as the country’s defenders who were willing to make sacrifices, including giving up their lives, to protect the nation.
“I consider the silat gayong association as one of three important groups in our line of defence, who can protect the country’s sovereignty and security. The first two are members of the armed forces and the police.
“I am sure all of you will be ready to fight against those who wish to challenge our country’s peace, security and sovereignty,” he told some 3,000 members of the silat group during a national gathering of the association here yesterday.

Najib said the members were respected for their discipline, mental confidence and loyalty to the country.
“We hope the younger generation will learn the discipline of seni silat gayong, which can inculcate good morals among the youths,” he added.
Najib said a nation’s strength in the 21st century did not lie solely in military strength but in political power too.
“The sharpest weapon for the future is not the keris but political power.
“You need to be excellent in all aspects, not only martial arts and skills.
“Use your silat knowledge as a means to develop yourselves into strong and successful individuals. The Japanese adhered to the bushido spirit after World War II to become an economically-powerful country,” he said.
Najib also said he would seriously look into a proposal to construct a Malaysian seni silat gayong building at Kampung Datuk Keramat here.
Later, during a special ceremony, the Prime Minister was bestowed with the Sandang Mahkota Agong Seri Bintang Pelangi award by association president Datuk Adiwijaya Abdullah.
The award is bestowed on Malay rulers and state leaders to symbolise the loyalty of the association’s members to the country’s leadership.
“We hope the younger generation will learn the discipline of seni silat gayong, which can inculcate good morals among the youths,” he added.
Najib said a nation’s strength in the 21st century did not lie solely in military strength but in political power too.
“The sharpest weapon for the future is not the keris but political power.
“You need to be excellent in all aspects, not only martial arts and skills.
“Use your silat knowledge as a means to develop yourselves into strong and successful individuals. The Japanese adhered to the bushido spirit after World War II to become an economically-powerful country,” he said.
Najib also said he would seriously look into a proposal to construct a Malaysian seni silat gayong building at Kampung Datuk Keramat here.
Later, during a special ceremony, the Prime Minister was bestowed with the Sandang Mahkota Agong Seri Bintang Pelangi award by association president Datuk Adiwijaya Abdullah.
The award is bestowed on Malay rulers and state leaders to symbolise the loyalty of the association’s members to the country’s leadership.

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, sokongan terhadap BN adalah penting kerana ia satu-satunya parti yang benar-benar berjuang atas landasan bangsa, agama dan tanah air.
"Ingatlah bahawa senjata yang paling tajam sekali bukan keris, sebaliknya adalah kuasa politik di tangan kita.
"Sebab itu, pesanan oleh pengasas Pertubuhan Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia (PSSGM), Allahyarham Datuk Meor Abdul Rahman Mohd. Hashim satu ketika dahulu adalah 'kalau ada dulang jangan biar ia terhempas, kalau ada kuasa jangan biar kuasa ini terlepas ke tangan orang lain.'
"Inilah asas kepada segala-galanya. Selagi ada kuasa, insya-Allah ada esok lagi untuk kita semua. Sebab itu, rapatlah barisan kita, masuklah dalam barisan dan teruskan perjuangan kita," katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap merasmikan Majlis Gayong Perdana 2010 dan sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri PSSGM yang dihadiri kira-kira 5,000 ahli pertubuhan itu di padang Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya di sini hari ini.
Turut hadir Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan yang juga Penaung Agung PSSGM Kebangsaan, Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan dan Yang Dipertua pertubuhan itu, Datuk Adiwijaya Abdullah.
Dalam pada itu, Najib menggesa supaya segala nilai-nilai murni dalam amalan persilatan termasuk yang diterapkan oleh PSSGM dijadikan wadah dan pemangkin untuk mewujudkan bangsa Malaysia maju pada abad ke-21.
Menurut Perdana Menteri, perkara sama telah dibuat oleh masyarakat Jepun sebelum ini apabila menggunakan kod prinsip-prinsip moral pahlawan Samurai yang dikenali sebagai 'bushido' bagi mewujudkan bangsa yang berjaya.
"Abad ke-21 bukan abad yang mana kekuatan tentera merupakan kuasa yang dapat kekal selama-lamanya, sebaliknya kejayaan sesuatu tamadun ini adalah berdasarkan kepada kekuatan minda dan nilai.

"Kita juga tidak boleh berjaya sebagai sebuah bangsa atas semangat atau laungan semata-mata. Untuk maju, semua pihak termasuk pengamal seni silat perlu tahu hala tuju dan landasan perjuangan mereka," ujarnya.
Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, Najib berkata, pengamal seni silat termasuk ahli-ahli PSSGM boleh dianggap sebagai barisan ketiga pertahanan yang sanggup berkorban dan menyumbang untuk mempertahankan kedaulatan negara jika diserang musuh.
Beliau menjelaskan, barisan pertama pertahanan negara adalah Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM), manakala barisan kedua adalah Askar Wataniah.
"Hari ini apabila saya melihat anak-anak muda di hadapan saya ini, ia seolah-olah saya berhadapan dengan sebuah angkatan anak-anak Melayu yang sudi menghadapi apa juga yang mungkin mencabar kedaulatan negara," katanya.
Pada majlis itu, Najib dianugerahkan sandang tertinggi PSSGM yang membawa gelaran 'Mahkota Agung Seri Bintang Pelangi', sekali gus menjadikan beliau sebagai 'Imam Khalifah Agung' kepada kira-kira tiga juta ahli pertubuhan berkenaan di seluruh negara.
Tokoh terakhir yang menerima anugerah itu sebelum ini ialah bapanya, Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak Hussein.
Anugerah sandang itu tergolong di dalam susunan sandang kehormat PSSGM yang hanya diberikan kepada Raja-Raja Melayu, pemimpin tertinggi negara atau negeri bagi melambangkan ketaatan ahli silat seni gayong kepada kepimpinan sedia ada.
Najib dalam ucapannya turut melahirkan perasaan terharu diberikan anugerah itu yang disifatkan sebagai penghormatan besar terhadap dirinya.